Second Game of Doak’s Cardinals’ Career

July 29, 1913          Age 22

St Louis Post Dispatch

ST. LOUIS.    After the enemy nicked into Harmon for two triples and a single in the seventh, big Bob was retired. This made room for Bill Doak, a “muscular blond”, who hails from the Union Association. Bill made the enemy look like tail-enders during his short tenure of office – two innings. Doak looked so good that he may come back for another chance at the champions today. This was his second appearance for the Cardinals. Doak gave up no hits, one walk and one strikeout, facing seven batters.

“Old Ironsides Matty,” (Christy Mathewson) who defies Father Time, took the troublesome Cardinals by the heels and dipped them into the calcimine vat at Robison Field Monday afternoon.   Matty held the Cards to four hits.   Final score: New York Giants 4, Cardinals 0.