March 19, 1914   Age 23

By Special Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch.

ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla., March 13.  Miller Huggins’ Regulars, after a week of good and consistent training, will get a thorough test here Saturday when they tackle the World’s Champion Athletics in the first of a two-game series. The Mackmen have been feasting of late on the Cubs and are going at a fast clip, even at this early date.

Hug’s team has been sifted about almost in every game, but the weather has been favorable and some good practice licks have been put in in the past five days. The game with the champions should, therefore, give the Cardinals their best workout of the training season.

Owing to an injury to Artie Butler, who has a busted finger, Jack Miller, normally a first sacker, yesterday played short for the Regulars and acquitted himself creditably. Wingo showed at first for the Yannigans, with Dressan on the initial bag for the Regulars.

Doak’s Pitching Pleases.

The pitching of Bill Doak, the Akron spitter, was a distinct feature ef yesterday’s workout. Doak relieved Robinson, the southpaw, after the Regulars had collected eight hits and four runs in four frames. Doak then set the regulars down without a run, yielding only three hits in the final five frames.

Steele and Perritt pitched for the Regulars and worked in fine form. Perritt held the Yans to three hits in six innings, and would not have been scored upon had Huggins not made a wild throw to Dressan, letting in the first run and putting men on second and third. Cozy Dolan then doubled, bringing home two more runs.

Huggins hammered out a triple that proved one of the longest hits of the training season. He collected the long swat at the expense or Hank Robinson.