bill doak

April 7, 1914        Age 23

Wray’s Column          St Louis Post Dispatch

IT’S a fact, lads. Bets are being made on the St. Louis Cardinals that they will beat one team which last season was looked upon as having a fair chance to win the pennant, a club which actually made a good bid for the flag – the Philadelphia Quakers.

The Philadelphia team may have superior position players, but the Cards are looking at least their equal in pitching.

Pitching is fully 50 per cent of team strength and it is right here that the Cardinals expect to neutralize the advantages Philadelphia is supposed to enjoy in other respects.

It’s the usual “IF” proposition; and the miracle seems to be that there are St. Louisans with enough faith left, after 26 years of pennant disappointment, to believe a local club CAN get the breaks in its favor.

Naming the Outlaws.

Evidently the Federal League is a permanency, as fans have already begun to seek names nearer to the heart than the formal appellations. The Chicago Federals, Brooklyn Federals etc. For example the Tinkerites are known by that illuminating term, the Chi-Feds: Brooklyn is already labeled the Brook-Feds. Following out the same line, we suggest the following terms be applied to the remaining teams in the league: