May 22, 1914            Age 23

Special to The New York Times.

ST. LOUIS. May 21.   The Cardinals won a feverish game of ball today from the Giants by a score of 8 to 4, which was featured by troublesome umpiring which caused a near riot. The Giants got away in the lead nicely, but the Cards came from behind in the latter innings, knocking Fromme from the box, and battering Demaree and Wiltse, too.

Both teams made many change in an effort to win. When Doak was called out at the plate in the third, after Chief Meyers dropped Stock’s throw home, 3,000 fans arose and howled their wrath. They threatened to go out on the field, but refrained. At the end of the game two large and impressive policemen escorted Eason from the field.

The Giants started on Doak, who essayed to pitch for St. Louis, as If they were going to drive him from the mound in a hurry. Bob Bescher worked him for a pass, and on the hit and run Burns hit safely to right. Bescher was held at second. Fletcher hit into a double play, Bescher going to third. Doyle pounced on the ball for a line single to right, and Bescher scored. Doyle went to third when Snyder threw wild trying to get him at second. Merkle walked and stole, and both base runners came home when Beck fumbled Snodgrass’s grounder. Snodgrass overran first and was out.

The Cardinals staged a rally in the third, when Snyder and Huggins doubled, interspersed with a pass to Doak. When Doak was caught at the plate, Huggins said something very rude to Umpire Eason, for he was forthwith banished.

Feeling contrite thereafter, the umpires gave the Cardinals all the breaks, twice refusing to let men hit by pitched balls take their base, claiming they did not try to get out of the way.

The Cardinals forged ahead in the fifth. Snyder got on and Beck hit out a home run that Snodgrass just got his hands on. It filtered through to the fence. This tied the score. Fromme was taken out and Demaree was called to the rescue. Doak flied out, but Cather hit safely to right. Cather was caught off first, but got to second when the Giants mussed up things trying to run him down. Magee doubled to the right field fence, scoring Cather. On the throw-in Stock ran in to get the ball, Magee dashed for third and made it. He scored on a passed ball.

Snodgrass and Meyers put two clean hits together for a run the next inning. With Meyers on first, McGraw sent Piez in to run and Donlin to bat. Sallee went to the mound for the Cardinals. Then Donlon was taken out and Murray went to bat. He rolled out to Dolan.

The Cardinals batted three more runs in off Wiltse and ran bases in good style. After McLean went behind the bat Dolan and Magee worked the delayed steal on him twice in succession.