bill doak

June 25, 1914           Age 23

St Louis Post Dispatch

PITTSBURG, Pa.. June 25. – Big Frank Snyder, recognized by all who profess to know a ball player from a billboard as the choicest chattel injected into the National League this season, is largely responsible for the great showing now being made by the Cardinals. Snyder is wielding the thickest war club in the league, and he is inserting base hits at the right time almost every day.

He drove home the first two runs for the Cardinals yesterday and shared with Willie Doak from the start the honor of beating the Corsairs of Clarke in the first game of the current series. Wilson’s single, after one out, Butler’s perfect bunt and Snyder’s single gave the Cards their first run, while a double by Wilson, Butler’s sacrifice and Snyder’s double brought home another tally in the fourth. Cruise compounded the final run on his single, a sacrifice and a wild pitch. The final score was 3-0.

Doak Is Invincible.

Bill Doak, the Akronite blond, pitched a beautiful game, holding the Corsairs to four hits, judiciously scattered. Two of these went to Ed Koney, who was branded a malcontent and drummed out of Huggins’ camp, while Carey and Mitchell each combed one. Doak had his spitball working fine and never really was in serious trouble.

Since the Cardinals left home, they have won 11 and lost five games, coming from sixth to third place and now are dangerously near second place. They are but one full game behind the Reds and only five removed from first place, still held by the Giants.

The Cardinals close their series here Saturday night and hit the trail for home to play a double-header with the Cubs. Manager Huggins aims to save Sallee for one bout against the Bruins if possible, and will possibly use Perritt and Griner in the remaining tilts with the Pirates.