bill doak

July 4, 1914    Age 23

BY J. B. SHERIDAN          St Louis Post Dispatch

Peter Schneider was much too good a pitcher for the Cardinals to beat at Robison Field yesterday. Doak was rather soft for Cincinnati. So the Reds won the baseball game, 5 to 3.

Schneider looked like a very good pitcher. He had great speed, a fine curve, and to the last inning, excellent control. A big chap, there is something of the Meekin, Rusie, Mathewson air to him, the championship aspect. He lost control in the ninth inning. After he had passed two men Manager Herzog had him out. Ames finished the inning and got away with it in good shape. Butler popped up and Beck struck out. That ended a promising rally. Mr. Huggins might have used pinch hitters for Huggins and Beck with effect.

Doak seemed to have recently discovered a curve ball. He tried it once in a while. It surprised the batters, who had not known that Doak had such a thing as a curve in his repertory. When they found out what his curve looked like they hit it hard. The blond Ohioan did not seem to try his famous spitball very often. It was the worst game he has pitched in a long time. He was hit in sequence, when hits could be converted into runs.