bill doak

August 15, 1914            Age 23

By W. J. O’Connor. Of the Post-Dispatch Sporting Staff.

CHICAGO. Aug. 15. Lumbago Bill Doak, the leading pitcher of the National League, has been assigned the task of scaling the pitching peak this after noon at the West Side grounds in the first game of a series that involves third place.

Doak probably will be opposed by Big Jim Vaughan, a southpaw, who always has been troublesome for the Cards; but if Lumbago Bill has his usual good fortune, not to mention his spitball, he should carry the day.

Yesterday’s rest gave the Cardinals a chance to indulge in a little mental anguish  because of their misdeeds In Pittsburgh. As the returns came in last night of Boston’s second victory over the Giants, the Cardinal players mournfully admitted that they “booted a great opportunity on the late lamented Eastern trip.

There is in the Cardinal ranks now a man who predicts that Boston will win the pennant. This radical is none other than Hub Perdue, who has 40 arguments a day with the other players, who say the Braves are lucky, Stallings is a great manager, and the Braves will win it all.