bill doak

February 24, 1916          Age 25

The St Louis Star and Times

ST. LOUIS.  The Cardinals will carry but two catchers during the coming season. This was the substance of a positive statement made this morning by Manager Miller Huggins. Heretofore the Cards have always had at least three catchers on the roster. Two years ago they carried four for the greater part of the season.

Huggins believes that two men of the caliber of Frank Snyder and Miguel Gonzales are capable of bearing the catching burden tor a big league club throughout the season. The diminutive Cardinal manager will have Harry Glenn, Jack Roche and Tony Brottem placed with minor league clubs under optional agreements so that he can recall any of them in case of an emergency.

This will give Huggins the opportunity to experiment with more material for other positions on his club. It will enable him to carry an extra infielder, outfielder or pitcher who otherwise would have to go back to the tall uncut when the player limit goes into effect.


In presenting his reasons why he believes two catchers are sufficient Huggins point to the fact that in the old days no major league clubs carried more than two backstops. He also cites the fact that Frank Snyder took part in 144 games last season, just ten less than the total number played.

The Cards will have but three catchers in the training camp at San Antonio. The third man will be Tony Brottem, purchased last fall from Vancouver of the Northwestern League.  Brottem played a great many games as an outfielder last year and may be converted into a meadowman by Huggins if he lives up to his reputation as a hitter.


Huggins announced this morning that he expects to dispose of Hub Perdue, Ham Hyatt, Jack Roche and Joe Lotz before the squad of pitchers depart Saturday night for San Antonio. Perdue will probably go to Louisville, while Roche and Hyatt are ticketed for the Pacific Coast. Lotz will very likely land with Seattle, as Bill Dugdale has turned back Dike Brannigan, who was offered in exchange for Jack Smith.

The first harbinger of spring arrived at Robison Field yesterday when Southpaw Harry Sallee reported. Old Sal came in from his home in Higginsport, Ohio, to join the delegation of slab artists Huggins will take South Saturday night. Jack Warhop, Bill Doak, Leon Ames and Fred Lamline are expected today or tomorrow. Hi Jasper and Trainer A. A. Woods have been in town all winter.


A number of the infielders and outfielders who have been ordered to report at San Antonio March 6 will arrive in St. Louis next week. They will depart for Texas a week from Saturday and in all probability will be accompanied by President Britton and his wife. This will be the Brittons’ first visit to a training camp.

The Cardinals were insured yesterday for $150,000. President Britten took out a $5,000 policy on each member of the club except a pitcher and an outfielder. He refuses to divulge the names of the two who were excepted. The club reserves the right to cancel the policies on any players released during the season.