bill doak

February 26, 1916           Age 25

The St Louis Star and Times

ST. LOUIS.   At 25 minutes after 6 tonight the Cardinal Special, bearing Manager Miller Huggins, Pitchers Doak, Jasper, Sallee, Warhop, Ames and Lamline, and Third Baseman Zinn Beck, will pull out of Union Station. The athletes will leave the train early Monday morning at San Antonio, Tex., where they are to spend the next three weeks in training for the coming championship season.

Higgins plans to have his pitchers and catchers hold their initial workout Monday afternoon. By Tuesday morning all of the moundmen and backstops will have reached the camp and by Tuesday afternoon they will all be in action at the Bronchos ballpark.


The pitchers and catchers will have all next week to themselves, as the balance of the squad will not begin work until March 6. This will enable the slab artists to get their salary whips into pretty good shape before the pill maulers descend upon the scene with their trusty war clubs.

There will be eleven pitchers and three catchers in the early training squad. In addition to the hurlers who leave tonight. Huggins will have Bob Steele, Charley Hall, Reese Williams, Dan Griner and Lee Meadows. The three backstops are Frank Snyder, Miguel Gonzales and Recruit Tony Brottem.


Huggins plans to devote particular attention to the veterans, Hall, Ames, Warhop and Sallee. The diminutive Cardinal leader is confident that these men will come through in fine style as soon as they get their arms in shape. It usually takes the older pitchers longer to get in shape than the youngsters. For that reason he will keep these four busy every minute of the time they are on the field.

Ames was a failure with Cincinnati last year because he did not get his arm in shape. Charley Herzog was not shrewd enough to realize that the old boy needed more work, but Huggins was and, the minute Herzie requested waivers on him, Huggins put in a claim.

Old reliable Harry Sallee was not as effective last year as he has been in previous seasons. Sal did not work very hard at the training camp last spring. He preferred to wait until the hot weather set in and depended on Old Sol’s warm rays to thaw out the wing that once humbled them all. Old Col. Elbow Grease will have more to say about Sal’s method of conditioning this year than he did last spring.