bill doak

March 1, 1916          Age 25

The St Louis Star and Times

BY HARRY F. PIERCE, SAN ANTONIO. TEX., March 1.     The pep which characterized the work of the Cardinals during their first day in camp was not so conspicuous yesterday. A drop of twenty-degrees in temperature was partly responsible for the stiff arms and sore legs recorded, but the fact that most of the athletes worked too hard Monday was mainly to blame.

The pitching arms of most of the slab men were so sore yesterday that Trainer Woody was forced to assist them in putting on their uniforms. Harry Sallee and Leon Ames were the principal sufferers. Those vets hadn’t tossed a ball from the time the season closed last October until they reported here. Doak, Jasper and Warhop, the three twirlers who trained in gymnasiums during the off season, are the only members of the squad not complaining.

Miller Huggins’ arm is so sore he has to throw with his left. He can act like an old woman better than anyone we know, when it comes to tossing a ball with his left hand. Huggins can provoke more mirth with his southpaw delivery than a Billy goat walking on stilts.

A new problem confronted Huggins at batting practice yesterday afternoon. When the diminutive leader took his place at the plate to begin fungo hitting, he discovered that more than half of his early training squad aspire to hold down the shortstop position in the coming exhibition games with the Bronchos.


Huggins intended to use Zinn Beck at short and to place Hi Jasper at third, but Frank Snyder, Jack Warhop, Bill Doak, Bob Steele and some four or five others asked to be stationed in the short pasture. Huggins let them take turns at fielding the position in practice and announced afterwards that Jack Warhop, who made the best showing, will probably land the job for Saturday’s game.

Sunday was the date originally set for the exhibition series to begin, but the San Antonio Business Men’s league advertised Saturday as the opening date and Huggins consented to the arrangement yesterday so as to avoid a disagreement.