Game Date:  May 27, 1919         Age 28
By James M. Gould    The St Louis Star and Times
Yesterday’s 4-1 victory over Brooklyn helped greatly to prove the contention, held by the writer all season, that with any kind of decent pitching the Cardinals would start to win games. Doak’s work yesterday was better than “Decent” – it was great.
They have some real hitters on the Brooklyn team, but they were only able to garner four safe blows off Bill. Meanwhile, the Cards were hitting when hits meant run and after the first, when the Rickeymen counted thrice, were never in great danger. Just to rub it in, another St. Louis run was recorded in the final inning. In the twenty-six games played by the Cards in 1919, just nine of them might be called “well-pitched.” Of these nine, seven are on the right side of the ledger. This is not so bad.
Doak’s performances in the past two games that he has worked show that he can surely be depended upon as a regular starter from now on. Burleigh Grimes and Tuero are likely pitcher today in the last road-trip game. Then, for home.
There is nothing serious in Shotten’s illness. The water here seems to have disagreed with several of the boys. It is unlikely that Burt will be forced to be idle today.
Indie 500 practice speed topped out at 98 miles per hour in 1919.  In 2021 it’s 220 mph.