January 29, 1914    Age 23

Pittsburgh Daily Post

When Bill Doak, star heaver for the St. Louis National League baseball team, leaves Pittsburgh to join his teammates at the training camp in St. Augustine, Fia. next spring, he will be accompanied by his wife, who was Miss Jessie Porter of Charles street, Knoxville, a popular vocalist of the South Hills.

Last evening Doak and Miss Porter were married in the parsonage of the Knoxville Methodist Protestant Church by Rev. Alfred K. Fletcher, the pastor. Both are members of Rev. Fletcher’s congregation and have been sweethearts since school days. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Doak will reside with the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Porter. The spring training trip to Florida will be the honeymoon trip for the pitcher and his bride.

2nd Article, Cincinnati Enquirer, Special Dispatch

Pittsburg. Penn.. January 28 – Bill Doak, of this city, star twirler of the St. Louis Cardinals, was married to Miss Jessie Porter, a beautiful brunette of South Hills, here, and a church singer, at 6 o’clock this evening at the parsonage of the Knoxville Methodist Protestant Church. Both the young people are members of the church. The wedding tour will take place when the Cardinals begin their spring training, Mrs. Doak accompanying her husband on the trip south.    

1914 – Bill and Jessie will live in the Knoxville suburb of Pittsburgh, PA.  See red pin near bottom of map.