Game Date:  May 11, 1922     Age:  31

By Martin Corum     Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Bill Doak, star spitball pitcher of the St. Louis Cardinals, came within an ace of twirling a no-hit, no run game against the world’s champion Giants in the third contest of the series here this afternoon.

Only a safe bunt by Dave Bancroft, captain of the New York club, who was the first batter in the first inning, prevented the St. Louis box man from entering the select circle of no-hit pitchers. While Doak was holding the Giants well in check, the St. Louis players managed to break through and chalk up a victory by the score of 2 to 0.

Bancroft was thrown out while stealing and thereafter only 29 batsmen faced Doak.   Shufflin’ Phil Douglas limited the home players to seven hits, but three of these came in the eighth inning, which enabled the Cards to decide the game in their favor. But for an error by Bancroft, Douglas would have held the Cards to one run. What settled the outcome was Jack Smith’s single, his stolen base and a double by Toporcer, both crossing the plate.

By this victory and the defeat of the Cubs by the Phillies, the Cardinals are now tied for second place with the Pirates. Tomorrow they meet the Giants for the fourth and final game of the series.  

Ad by Pittsburgh’s Largest Department Store, May 11, 1922