Age: 38

By Raymond V. Smith            St Louis Globe Democrat

AVON PARK. FLA.. March 22, 1929

“Spitting Bill” Doak, Cardinal pitching mainstay for years and one of the greatest hurlers in the game when in his prime, has returned to his first love; as a member of the Red Bird hurling corps. Branch Rickey, vice president who has been in Bradenton conferring with the veteran star, unconditionally released last fall by the Brooklyn Robins, announced the deal this morning and it was confirmed by Doak himself, who accompanied Rickey here. Terms of Doak’s new contract were not made known, but the pitcher and Rickey were highly pleased at reaching a speedy and satisfactory agreement.

Doak expressed himself as being highly elated at becoming a Cardinal once more. “I never was happy when I was with the Brooklyn club, although I gave them my best. It certainly is a pleasure to be with the Cardinals again,” he said.

Rickey, regretting the deal he made with Brooklyn for Leo Dickerman, which sent Doak to the Robins, stated that he thought Doak would be a valuable man. “Bill ought to be a great relief hurler and that is what I signed him up for, but then he might be able to work every three or four days’ regularly. Of course. that is up to Billy.” Rickey commented.

Doak said he was In good condition and has been putting his arm through strenuous workouts since early in February. Doak appears to be in fine fettle. He is thin and finely drawn which indicates he has not been idle since being declared a free agent with his release from the Brooklyn club.