Game Date:  June 7, 1928  Age: 37   
By Sam Schnitzer  –  New York Daily News
For ten and one-third innings yesterday afternoon at Ebbets field, Mr. Wilbert Robinson and 6,666 cash customers were forced to watch the temperamental Robins gazing helplessly at some gilt-edged pitching by Pete Donohue, star right-hander of the Reds.
But perseverance triumphed. The Robins got a lucky break in the eleventh and won a nerve-wracking contest, 1 to 0.  
Bill Doak, the Robin spitballer, yielded only six hits and went step by step with Donohue in the pitching duel. For ten frames, Donohue had the Robins popping up, hitting weak dribblers and even fanning. But three measly singles did the boys waft here and there off the Donohue shoots in nine innings.
The Break.
But came the eleventh, and with one gone, he hit Harvey Hendrick in the small of the back.  Babe Herman, just waiting for this spot, rammed a line single to left, and Harvey romped all the way to third. Rube Bressler followed with a skimpy grounder to Dressen, who threw too late to the plate to keep Hendrick from crossing with the run which sent Robin supporters into hysterics.
Doak, who was starting his second game of the season, hurled in admirable fashion in the pinches. On three occasions red legs were perched impatiently on first and third, but Bill, with the help, was equal to every situation.
Kelly Out at Plate.
In the ninth, Kelly led off with a single and went to second on Herman’s fumble. Long George was sacrificed to third but when Purdy hit to Bancroft, the Robin short-stopper caught him at the plate.
Del Bissonnette and Harvey Hendrick starred afield. Del, especially, brought cheers by his stellar work around first base.
Dazzy Vance will try to make it three in a row today. He may be opposed by Eptha Jeppa Rixey, the elongated Red southpaw.