Game Date:  September 5, 1919               Age:  28
By James M. Gould     The St Louis Star and Times
     There was a tidy baseball social affair out Cardinal Field way yesterday. Bill Doak and Jimmy Ring “serving” and Vern Clemons and Ivy Wingo “receiving.”  Even In these desert-dry days, Austin McHenry was able to supply those present with “punch” and, in so doing, made sure that “a pleasant time was had by all.” That is, all except the Reds of Pat Moran. In order that this tale may make the sport, rather than the society page, it may be stated that the Cardinals, in the first game of their final home-stay, plastered the well-known Cincinnati Reds by a score of 1-0 and that Bill Doak and Austin McHenry were the heroes of the battle.
How the Heroes Qualified.
     Doak was at his best and gave the National league leaders just five singles, one hit in the first, second, fifth, seventh and eighth frames. Two Red-birds reached third only to perish. Bill did some neat fielding, grabbing a line drive from Duncan’s bat and thereby ending the game. At bat, he sacrificed nicely once and, to his own and everyone else’s amazement, beat out an infield hit. With men on bases he was unhittable.  So much for the first hero. As for McHenry, all that genial pie-biter did was to crash out the hit which scored the only and winnlng run in the eighth and then, in the ninth, perform a bit of brilliantly fast fielding which held Roush’s scorching slash to a single when the Red gardener led off In the final session. “Aus” also retired Rousch, Neale and Kopf – the last man in the third and the first two men in the fourth – by good catches. Thus, by his hitting, he first won the game and, by his fielding, saved it from the foreign horde.
Ads of the Day:  The Y.M.C.A. offering night classes.  Below, Newbro’s Herpicide, a popular dandruff and balding treatment (snake oil?)
Y.M.C.A Night School Ad
End Dandruff and Balding with Herpicide! | Get Your Car Repaired.