September 2, 1913            Age 22
Pittsburgh Daily Post

Pitcher Doak of the St. Louis Nationals, a Knoxville boy, will be the recipient of the attentions of the Knoxville fans at Forbes Field Saturday afternoon. Doak is expected to twirl for the Cardinals against the Pirates on that day, and his friends will make it a special occasion, presenting him with a diamond ring as a souvenir. Doak was given a trial by Cincinnati last fall, and then sent to Akron for further seasoning, from which club he was purchased by the Cards. He has been pitching good ball for Miller Huggins.

Baseball Stars Around the League – Babe Adams – Perhaps his greatest performance came on July 17, 1914, against the Giants and Rube Marquard, when he pitched 21 innings, walked none, and still lost a 3-1 decision.