March 1, 1914    Age 23

By Marion F. Parker      St Louis Globe Democrat Sun

St. Augustine, Fla. February 28.      While rain has been a big feature since the Cardinals’ squad arrived here, the others must have been only samples, judging from the one today.

When the rain arrived no one knows, but when the call boy got the bunch up in the morning it was to find a steady downpour outside and it kept up all day without a stop. As the club moved from the Y. M. C. A. to the baseball grounds yesterday, and the latter are not suited for indoor work, it was a day of idleness for the squad.

Jack Miller, the former Pittsburgh star, adopted a method of getting here in line with the weather, as he came by boat from New York. As a result, Jack arrived on schedule time.

Miller played first and second base for the Pirates, and he is one of the stars secured in the Koney-Harmon trade. He is young, fast and a good hitter, and at present slated to play first base as a regular this season. Miller this morning was not worrying about being sent from the Pirates to the Cardinals and will hustle just as hard for Huggins as he did for Clark.

Paddy O’Connor was another arrival yesterday noon, and he came all the way from Connecticut. O’Connor is the catcher secured from Kansas City. He is a veteran, despite the fact that he has always been in the minor leagues, and Huggins plans to use him as relief catcher. He needs a man who can be kept around to take Wingo’s place when the latter is forced to lay off, and thinks O’Connor will prove the right man.

Tomorrow being Sunday, no work is scheduled and most of the players expect to spend the day fishing. The others will go to the bathing beach and other points of interest.