bill doak

June 28, 1914      Age 23

St Louis Post Dispatch

The Pirates woke up today and sent the Cardinals home with only one victory out of the four games played. Today’s score was 4 to 2 in favor of the Pirates. The Cardinals’ record for the trip is 11 victories and 8 defeats.

The game only went seven innings as an agreement had been made to call it at 5 o’clock to allow the Cardinals to catch a train for home. The arbiters did not wait until 5 o’clock, but called off operations 10 minutes before time, right after the Pirates had scored their last two runs.

The boys passed up the shower bath and jumped into their clothes as fast as they could and were driven to the station in time to get the 6 o’clock train for St. Louis where they play a double-header tomorrow with the Cubs. The latter are going at a great pace, but Manager Huggins expressed himself today as being confident of taking them into camp.

Boys Will Be Boys

Their stay in Pittsburgh this week has been exciting, to say the least. The papers have accused them of being mixed up in scandals involving the sanctity of a certain man’s home, butting in on a fashionable golf club and getting run out, and even flirting with Federal League agents. The boys have nothing to say about these charges, and Huggins says “forget It,” but nevertheless they are glad to get back to their home soil.