Sixteen Cards Succeed in Losing Opening Game to Braves, 12-5

Inability to Beat Weaker Clubs a Failing of Cards Braves Are Easy Victors Huggins’ Men Show Pennant Ability in Giants’ Series, but Come Back With a Tail-end Display Against the Lowly Boston Outfit.  Bottle Throwers Must Be Stopped Doak Loses, Giving Up 6 ER in 3.2 Innings With  3 BB, 1 SO.     Record Now […]

Doak Beats “Big Six” Mathewson on Five-Hitter

Rival Clubs Overlook Fine Chance to Trim the Giants Team’s Work Listless McGraw Handles His Men From the Bench While They Pull a Prime Brand of Bone Baseball – Outfit With a Punch Could Cinch Flag. Record Now 9-3 With 1.89 ERA July 9, 1914            Age 23      (Mathewson […]

Doak’s Work Was Flawless, Beating Cubs 6-0

Doak’s Record Now 8-2, 1.85 ERA In the complete game shutout against the Cubs, Doak yielded 5 hits, 6 SO, 3 BB, two doubles, 1 triple on 3 days rest. Largest Crowd of Season – 18,000 attend June 29, 1914           Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch STEPPING off a train that […]