Sixteen Cards Succeed in Losing Opening Game to Braves, 12-5

Inability to Beat Weaker Clubs a Failing of Cards Braves Are Easy Victors Huggins’ Men Show Pennant Ability in Giants’ Series, but Come Back With a Tail-end Display Against the Lowly Boston Outfit.  Bottle Throwers Must Be Stopped Doak Loses, Giving Up 6 ER in 3.2 Innings With  3 BB, 1 SO.     Record Now […]

Doak Lifted After Three Runs To Giants In First Two Innings

CARDINALS “PULL A BROOKLYN” AND MATTY BEATS SAL, 6-4 Butler’s Rank Muff Gives Champions Three Runs and the Game in Eighth Inning. TWO HOMERS OFF BIG SIX Wilson and Wingo Hit for Circuit in Second Inning, but Lead Is Wasted. June 7, 1914             Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch NEW […]

Willie Doak Starts Well in Opening Contest, but Blows in the Fifth

Sallee At Best, Cardinals Break Even With CubsDoak Pitches 1.4 Innings, 2 ER, 3 hits, 5 BB, 1 SORecord Now 5-2, 1.95 ERA May 31, 1914         Age 23 By W. L. Veeck,    A Staff Correspondent of the Post Dispatch CHICAGO, Ill., May 30. The Cardinals didn’t do anything marvelous on this […]