When Doak and Mathewson Meet, One Naturally Looks for a Pitched Battle

CARDS DEFEAT OF MATTY PUTS CLUB IN SECOND PLACE First Time in History in History National Leaguers Have Been So High Late in Season For First Time in Its Horrible History, Cardinals Team is in Second Place With the Season Two-Thirds Spent Doak Gets Win, Improving Record to 13-4 With 2.08 ERA, Now Leading the […]

Doak, Battling Lumbago, Shuts Out Dodgers and Ends Cardinals’ Losing Streak

Cards’ Losing Streak Ends Flag Hopes Reviving Doak’s Good Pitching, Plus a Batting Punch, Restore “Goat” to Huggins’ Men Pitches Complete Game Shutout, Allowing But 6 Singles with 5 SO, 3 BB, 1 HBP. Doak’s Record Now 12-4 With 2.07 ERA Cozy Dolan Back in Game, Fails to Lend Much Aid August 6, 1914    […]

Willie Doak Subdues Dodgers in Spite of Jack Miller and Magee

Doak Pitches Spanking Good Ball Beats Brooklyn 2-1 in 9 innings on 5 hits, no earned runs, 4 SO, 2 BB.   Record Now 10-4 with 2.08 ERA July 23, 1914            Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch JACK MILLER and Lee Magee, chiefly the latter, donned their “blinders” and ran wild […]

Doak Beats “Big Six” Mathewson on Five-Hitter

Rival Clubs Overlook Fine Chance to Trim the Giants Team’s Work Listless McGraw Handles His Men From the Bench While They Pull a Prime Brand of Bone Baseball – Outfit With a Punch Could Cinch Flag. Record Now 9-3 With 1.89 ERA July 9, 1914            Age 23      (Mathewson […]

Doak Wins 6th Game, Clashes With Huggins When Pulled in Eighth

HUG AND O’MARA ALMOST MIX, BUT CARDS WIN AGAIN Local Boy With Brooklyn Tags Manager Out Three Times, Precipitating a Row. The prize baserunning boner was pulled yesterday by Doak in the third. June 12, 1914             Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch NEW YORK, June 12.  With two games to […]