Selection of Rickey as Cards’ President Lauded by Huggins.  Doak Signs.

Browns May Ask for Injunction to Halt Rickey Departure Pitcher Bill Doak Signs, Becomes “Bonus Bill” First Squad Breaks Camp Tonight Club Shows Good Faith March 21, 1917   Age 26 Harry F. Pierce            The St Louis Star and Times San Antonio, Tx.   The new Cardinal management has proved that it […]

Huggins Confident Doak Will Be Thoroughly Satisfied With Offer

Doak Holding Out For Salary Increase of $850 Huggins Is Assured Cards Will Not Be Detained by Rail Strike March 17, 1917        Age 26 By Harry Pierce          The St Louis Star and Times San Antonio, Tex., March 17, 1917.  Confidential advices received by Manager Huggins and Secretary Seekamp […]

Doak Returns To Pittsburgh as Cards Run Six-Mile Daily Jaunts

“Hug” Plans to Use Two Parks Widely Separated, for Morning and Afternoon Work. According to Huggins, negotiations are at an end with Doak, as far as the club is concerned. March 5, 1917           Age 26 St Louis Post Dispatch SAN ANTONIO. Tex., March 5. This somnolent city of the South, already […]

Doak, Hornsby Remain Unsigned As Cards Head South

Team Heading South Cardinals to Leave for Texas on Same Train With Browns Four Cards and Three Brownies Still Unsigned March 3, 1917          Age 26 BY HARRY P. PIERCE.      The St Louis Star and Times St. Louis’ two major league ball clubs, the Browns and Cardinals, depart tonight at […]

Doak Among Players’ Fraternity Members Threatening To Strike

Huggins Willing To Trade Snyder For Unsigned Men If Deal Is Satisfactory, Cards’ Leader Will Give Up Contract Man for Strikers No Holdouts Go South That’s the Order Issued in Case Fraternity Members Are Stiff-Backed Doak Among Fraternity Members Who Have Pledged Not to Sign Until Dispute Resolved February 3, 1917     Age 26 By […]

Hot Wells Squad Will Be Picked By Huggins This Week – Doak Offered Contract

Mike Keller (minor league manager) Coming for First Choice of Nine Cardinal Discards. Pitchers To Include Ames, Meadows, Watson, Doak, Niehaus, Steele, North, Horstman and Gardenier January 7, 1917   Age 26 By Harry F. Pierce      The St Louis Star and Times St. Louis.    This will be a busy week for Miller James […]

Hug Will Take Cardinal Pitchers South Tonight

Jasper, Warhop, Ames, Sallee, Doak and Lamline to Leave for Training Camp – Zinn Beck Will Accompany Squad. HURLERS WILL WORK A WEEK BEFORE TEAMMATES REPORT Particular Attention Will Be Paid to Veterans Hall, Saliee, Ames and Warhop During Conditioning Period February 26, 1916           Age 25 The St Louis Star and […]

Players Arriving at Robison Field to Head to Hot Wells, Tx., Training Camp

Huggins Plans To Carry Only Two Backstops Delegation of Slab Artists Will Head South Saturday Night Doak, Warhop, Ames and Lamline are Expected Today or Tomorrow February 24, 1916          Age 25 The St Louis Star and Times ST. LOUIS.  The Cardinals will carry but two catchers during the coming season. This […]

Cards To Break Camp, Go North in Split Squads – Will Stop In Denison

Seekamp Will Pilot First Squad and Connery Second Team Homeward. March 18, 1915                Age 24 BY HARRY F. PIERCE.          The St Louis Star and Times SAN ANTONIO, TEX..   Bozeman Bulger, New York sport scribe and feature story writer extraordinary, breezed into the Hot Wells’ […]

Mrs. Doak and Cardinals Are En Route To Training Camp At Hot Wells, Tex.

Huggins: If we had won half our games during the first month of the season we would have galloped away with the pennant.  February 15, 1915          Age 24 BY BILLY MURPHY.          The St Louis Star and Times St. Louis.  The first harbinger of spring appeared at Union […]

Doak  Rated As Best Twirler in National League

Bill Doak’s Rise Was Rapid   December 11, 1914      Age 23   Altoona Tribune   Bill Doak, of Knoxville, is the greatest pitcher in the National league. So declares Manager Miller Huggins, of the Cardinals, and Manager John McGraw of the Giants strongly intimates that he is of the same opinion. A pretty […]

Doak Wears Pitching Crown Well

Doak Has Highest Winning Percentage with 18-5 Record September 8, 1914      Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor.    St Louis Post Dispatch BILL DOAK, with 18 victories and five defeats, is the undisputed leader of the National League pitchers. By winning the morning game from the Pirates Labor day, Bill climbed to the […]

The Buzz Of The Pennant Bee Has Been Silenced Almost Entirely

“Kid” Huggins, 37 Years Young, Too Smart For Cubs Despite Injuries He Pulls Play That Wins Game at Time When Score Was Tied. Doak Improves Record to 14-4 With a 2-1 Complete Game Win Over Cubs – 6 hits, 1 ER, 6 SO, 2 BB, 2.02 ERA August 16, 1914       Age 23 By […]

Willie Doak Subdues Dodgers in Spite of Jack Miller and Magee

Doak Pitches Spanking Good Ball Beats Brooklyn 2-1 in 9 innings on 5 hits, no earned runs, 4 SO, 2 BB.   Record Now 10-4 with 2.08 ERA July 23, 1914            Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch JACK MILLER and Lee Magee, chiefly the latter, donned their “blinders” and ran wild […]

Doak Wins 6th Game, Clashes With Huggins When Pulled in Eighth

HUG AND O’MARA ALMOST MIX, BUT CARDS WIN AGAIN Local Boy With Brooklyn Tags Manager Out Three Times, Precipitating a Row. The prize baserunning boner was pulled yesterday by Doak in the third. June 12, 1914             Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch NEW YORK, June 12.  With two games to […]

Cardinals Drop Sixteen-Inning Game When Perritt “Beans” Player

THREE ST. LOUIS CLUBS ARE NOW IN SECOND DIVISION ZIMMERMAN IS INJURED Cubs’ Heavy-Hitting Infielder Out of Game With a Sprained Ankle.  Playing extra-inning games is almost chronic with the Cardinals and Cubs. Already this season these teams have battled into extra-innings no less than three times, yesterday’s duel in Chicago lasting to the sixteenth […]

Dots Miller Denies Intent To Jump To Federal League

MILLER ANGRY AT ‘JUMPING’ REPORT;  WILL PLAY TODAY Cardinals’ First Sacker Threatens to Sue Scribes Who Misquote Him. HIS FUTURE IS DUBIOUS ‘Wise Guys” on the Inside Say It’s Just a Matter of Money With “Dots.”  Doak Gets The Win, Improves To 5-1 with 1.78 ERA.  2 ER, 8 Hits, 2 SO, 2 BB, 7.1 […]

Huggins Out-Strategizes The Brooklyn Dodgers

May 20, 1914          Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor.          St Louis Post Dispatch   Considerable strategy used in that Cardinal conquest of Tuesday resulted in a complete rout for Napoleon Rucker and all the other Brooklyn cadets, 6-2. Gen. Huggins outmaneuvered the famed Napoleon in the early […]

Harry Sallee Back in Form – Hug Sees “First Division”

New Contract Tendered Cardinals’ Southpaw Star, Seems to Have Oiled the Machine Satisfactorily – ”Sheriff’ Pitches Brilliant Game. Friction Disappears May 19, 1914                         Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor                St Louis Post Dispatch WITH a new contract […]

When Willie Doak Fails to Deliver the Goods, Miller Huggins is Up a Tree

Cardinals Play Final Battle With Cincinnati, Then Move to Chicago for Cubs’ Series Doak had no strikeouts April 29, 1914      Age 23     Cards at Cincinnati Career Game 19 of 454  ;  6-1 Loss; 1914 Record 1-1;  IP 7; Hits 7; ER 4; BB 6; HBP 1 By Dent M’Skimming     The St […]

Hug’s Failure To ‘Get On’ Has Hurt Cardinals

Poor Hitting Cost Cards At Least Two Games in Chicago Willie Doak came through with a bang-up performance. Butler Also Has Been in a Hitting Slump and Good Pitching Is Being Wasted. April 22, 1914     Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor.          St Louis Post Dispatch One bright feature of the […]

Hug Says Young Pitchers Doak, Perritt, Griner Look Good

March 22, 1914        Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch There are young men like Doak, Perritt, Griner et al.. who are depended on to lend assistance to Sallee. Robinson and Hagerman. From this group, Hug has hopes of selecting a man or two to round out a squad of four or five […]

Hug Should Quit Crabbing at Pitchers During Game – Sensitive Men Ruined

Doak: A First-Year Spitballer Of Rare Promise If Cardinals’ Manager Would Let Jack Miller Pat the Flingers on the Back, When They Aviate, Fans Figure the Team Would Get Along Better. March 4, 1914   Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor.            St Louis Post Dispatch AFTER absorbing a homeopathic dose of […]

Fourteen Cards Reach Camp at St. Augustine

Squad that Collected Along the Way Have First Practice This Morning Hauser Still Weak February 24, 1914    Age 23 By Marion F. Parker, Sporting Editor Globe-Democrat, at Cardinals’ Training Camp St. Augustine, Fla.,    Miller Huggins’ bunch of Cardinal ball tossers began collecting here in earnest today, and when the supper bell rang this […]

President Britton Expects Great Things From Perritt, Doak and Robinson

All Ex-Pirates Now Secure in Cardinal Coral February 1, 1914    Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor,    St Louis Post Dispatch When the signed contract of Rube Robinson, the wrong-handed hurler, was salted in a safe at Robison Field yesterday afternoon, President Schuyler Britton of the Cardinals sank into his swivel chair and gasped […]

Huggins Makes Multiplayer Trade With Pittsburgh To Eliminate Malcontents

Huggins Tells Why He Made Multi-Player Trade With Pittsburgh One Of The Biggest Trades In The History Of The Game Seeks To Bring Harmony To The Team December 16, 1913            Age 22 Pittsburgh Post Gazette ST. LOUIS, Dec. 15. Manager Miller Huggins’ of the Cardinals, who surprised the baseball world […]

Too Much Is Being Expected of Recruits Doak and Perritt for Next Season

December 15, 1913   Age 22 By W. J. O’Connor.,    St Louis Post Dispatch MORE TRADES ARE IN SIGHT, BRITTON SAYS “We’re not through trading yet,” declared President Schuyler P. Britton Monday upon his return from Cleveland, where he stopped on his way home from New York. “Manager Stallings of Boston would like to land […]

Huggins At Error Is In His Policy Of Clinging To Cast-Offs And Veterans

October 29, 1913           Age 22 By Louis Lee Arms,  The St Louis Star and Times Where Huggins Is at Error. If any skybrow of baseball tells you Miller Huggins doesn’t know enough baseball to make a winning manager, come right out and give him a horse laugh, or a hyena laugh, […]

Doak Is Due To Get His Mail At Robison Field For Some Time To Come

Pitcher Doak Has Registered Quite a Hit October 1, 1913           Age 22 St Louis Post Dispatch St. Louis.   Five Cardinal recruits will be shipped home Wednesday, their services not being needed for the fall series with the Browns, which opens next Tuesday. Manager Huggins announced Wednesday he would get along without […]

Huggins Must Begin at Bottom and Rebuild Cardinals for 1914

Huggins Facing a Hard Job Bill Doak Sure to Remain September 17, 1913     Age 22 St. Louis.  With the 1913 Cardinals absolutely last, a sad disappointment this year and playing joke baseball down the stretch. Manager Huggins must prove himself a shrewd general as well as developer of raw material to be a 1914 […]

Doak at present is Huggins’ most promising right-hander

September 11, 1913     Age 22 The St Louis Star and Times Then,  on the other hand – or the right hand – there is Bill Doak, who pitched against the Phils Wednesday. Doak at present is Huggins’ most promising right-hander. Bill has a slippery spitball which will not be presented any royal welcome in […]

Braves Frolic at Doak’s Expense

McGraw Speaks Well of DoakHuggins is Back in Game August 27, 1913         Age 22 By J. B. GILLIGAN.   The St Louis Star and Times        BOSTON, MASS.      At least the Cards can be said to be playing with remarkable consistency.  They hardly ever win a game now, and from the […]