Heat Gets Bill Doak in Brave Effort

Collapsed in Action July 19, 1928              Age 37By Thomas Holmes           The Brooklyn Daily Eagle     AS A TEAM, the Robins were shamed by the lionhearted exhibition of Bill Doak In the second game. Through the intense heat of the late afternoon, the antiquated spitball heaver […]

Pitching Problem Faces Brooklyn Club With Ehrhardt and Doak Ailing

Things Breaking Badly For Club, Says Robinson May 9, 1928           Age 37 The Standard Union What looked to be a fairly easy series for the Robins has suddenly taken on a serious aspect. The Flatbush troupe has already lost one game to the Chicago Bruins, and with no pitching talent available […]

Doak Suffering from Effects of Influenza, Out For Weeks

Robbie Finds St. Louis Club Hard Hit by Sickness and Injuries. May 5, 1928             Age 37 By Wilbert Robinson , Manager, Brooklyn Dodgers Not in my recent experience have I known so many teams afflicted by sickness and injuries as is the case in the National League this spring. Bill […]

Blond Bill Doak, Seriously Ill, Is Now Much Better

December 17, 1920             Age 29 The St Louis Star and Times Pittsburgh:  Willie Doak, the star spitball pitcher of the St. Louis Cardinals, who has been seriously ill at his home in Knoxville, a suburb of this city, is greatly improved today and expects to be out of doors in […]

Doak Saves Teammate From a Watery Grave While Fishing

Blond Bill Doak Is the hero of the Cardinal squad today. Lee Meadows working on new pitch Players visit Chief Wilson who is suffering from la grippe March 16, 1916    Age 25 By Harry F. Pierce          The St Louis Star and Times SAX ANTONIO, TEX., March 16.      Lee […]

Hauser in Bad Shape, Acting Strangely, Not Eating

February 28, 1914              Age 23 SPECIAL DISPATCH,  St Louis Globe Democrat Sun ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA.. February 28.    Arnold Hauser, who has been in bad condition even before the Cardinal squad reached here, has removed to the Railroad Hospital tonight while word is being awaited from his people up […]