Beaten Giants Had Winning Run on the Bases When Brilliant Play Cut Them Down

PERRITT RESCUES SALLEE; MILLER’S FINE STOP HELPS Thrilling Finish To Win Over Giants August 9, 1914    Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor of the Post-Dispatch Sporting Staff. NEW Y0RK, Aug. 9. THE Cardinals today put their backs to the wall and beat down the Giants, after fierce hand-to hand fighting, 3-2. Field Leader Harry […]

Doak Crowding Mathewson At Top Of The League

Doak Second in League in Win Percentage at .750, trailing only Matty’s .760 August 8, 1914         Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch Willie Doak is not quite the greatest pitcher in the National League, but he is getting up in a class where the atmosphere is rarified. His victory over Brooklyn put […]

Pop Bottle Shower Saves Matty, Beats Sallee 13-9

Matty Staggers Through Winner, As Sal Wobbles Giants At Last Break Losing Streak July 12, 1914          Age 23 W. J. O’Connor                    St Louis Post Dispatch BOTTLE throwers who infest the left field bleachers at Robison Field played an important part in yesterday’s […]

Doak Beats “Big Six” Mathewson on Five-Hitter

Rival Clubs Overlook Fine Chance to Trim the Giants Team’s Work Listless McGraw Handles His Men From the Bench While They Pull a Prime Brand of Bone Baseball – Outfit With a Punch Could Cinch Flag. Record Now 9-3 With 1.89 ERA July 9, 1914            Age 23      (Mathewson […]

Doak Lifted After Three Runs To Giants In First Two Innings

CARDINALS “PULL A BROOKLYN” AND MATTY BEATS SAL, 6-4 Butler’s Rank Muff Gives Champions Three Runs and the Game in Eighth Inning. TWO HOMERS OFF BIG SIX Wilson and Wingo Hit for Circuit in Second Inning, but Lead Is Wasted. June 7, 1914             Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch NEW […]

Doak Tops Cards Pitchers

June 5, 1914                Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch Willie Doak, the Akronite blond, is the winning pitcher on the Cardinal staff.   Doak has won 4 and lost 2. Sallee, 6-5, is next.  Old Ironsides Mathewson leads the League with 8-2. The Cards beat him in one of […]

Old Ironsides Mathewson, daddy of ’em all, yields To Cards, 4-3

MATTY OUTPITCHES SALLEE BUT LOSES TO “DOTS” MILLER! Timely Single and a Wonderful Fielding Play by Cards’ First Sacker Helps Locals Beat Giants. May 24, 1914        Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor.          St Louis Post Dispatch Old Ironsides Mathewson, daddy of ’em all, yielded after a bitter struggle, […]