Mrs. Doak, at 92, Sure to Be Oldest Rooter at World Series Opener

Relects on Bill’s Childhood October 4, 1960By Zora Unkovich                      Pittsburgh Post Gazette “Happy days are here again” for Mrs. William Doak of Stratford Ave. in the East End. She’s going to see her Pirates play in the World Series. (“I think they’ll win by four […]

Bill Doak’s Mother, 87, Sees Three Ball Games Weekly

June 4, 1955       (Seven months after Bill’s passing) By Marion Leslie         Pittsburg Sun Telegraph This is a baseball story about a woman, who at 87 sees at least three games a week when the Pirates are playing at Forbes Field. Her name is Mrs. William Doak. She’s the mother of […]

Banquet For Doak Proves Big Affair

Knoxville Citizens Hold Rousing Reception for Baseball Star. October 24, 1914               Age 23 William Leopold Doak, who pitches for the St. Louis baseball club of the National League in the summertime and resides in Knoxville during the winter months, was the king bee last night at a demonstration in […]