Doak Wears Pitching Crown Well

Doak Has Highest Winning Percentage with 18-5 Record September 8, 1914      Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor.    St Louis Post Dispatch BILL DOAK, with 18 victories and five defeats, is the undisputed leader of the National League pitchers. By winning the morning game from the Pirates Labor day, Bill climbed to the […]

Must Beat Giants on Road Trip To Stay In the Pennant Fight

Cards Must Beat Giants to Return in Higher Position Braves May Help Some Philadelphia and Brooklyn Should Be Easy for Huggins Men, but New York and Boston Both Appear Real Obstacles to St. Louis Pennant Progress. July 24, 1914         Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Sporting Staff. […]

Sixteen Cards Succeed in Losing Opening Game to Braves, 12-5

Inability to Beat Weaker Clubs a Failing of Cards Braves Are Easy Victors Huggins’ Men Show Pennant Ability in Giants’ Series, but Come Back With a Tail-end Display Against the Lowly Boston Outfit.  Bottle Throwers Must Be Stopped Doak Loses, Giving Up 6 ER in 3.2 Innings With  3 BB, 1 SO.     Record Now […]

Doak Beats “Big Six” Mathewson on Five-Hitter

Rival Clubs Overlook Fine Chance to Trim the Giants Team’s Work Listless McGraw Handles His Men From the Bench While They Pull a Prime Brand of Bone Baseball – Outfit With a Punch Could Cinch Flag. Record Now 9-3 With 1.89 ERA July 9, 1914            Age 23      (Mathewson […]

Giants Play in World’s Series Form and Cardinals Easily Win

Doak Gets 4th Win, 8-4, on 2 Earned Runs, 4 Hits, 4 Walks, 1 Hit Batter, 2 Strikeouts In 6.1 Innings Earned Run Average: 1.68 Doak Out At Home On Controversial Call May 21, 1914           Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch JOHN McGRAW’S three-time pennant winners played a regular world’s series […]

Ode To Doak

May 14, 1914           Age 23 L. C. Davis & Wray      St Louis Post Dispatch Ode To Doak By L. C. Davis THERE was a young fellow named Doak, Whom the Phillies considered a joke; But little friend Willy Made Philly look silly. And now they hope Willy will choke. […]