Mrs. Doak, at 92, Sure to Be Oldest Rooter at World Series Opener

Relects on Bill’s Childhood October 4, 1960By Zora Unkovich                      Pittsburgh Post Gazette “Happy days are here again” for Mrs. William Doak of Stratford Ave. in the East End. She’s going to see her Pirates play in the World Series. (“I think they’ll win by four […]

Bill Doak’s Mother, 87, Sees Three Ball Games Weekly

June 4, 1955       (Seven months after Bill’s passing) By Marion Leslie         Pittsburg Sun Telegraph This is a baseball story about a woman, who at 87 sees at least three games a week when the Pirates are playing at Forbes Field. Her name is Mrs. William Doak. She’s the mother of […]

Bill Doak Visits Old Teammates in Clearwater, Reflects on Pitching

In Which Old Bill Doak Says a Few March 3, 1931      Age 40 Murray Robinson, The Standard Union CLEARWATER, Fla., March 3.     Merry Old Bill Doak, who used to be quite a spitballer for the Robins in his latter days, paid his old team-mates a visit here the other day. He didn’t […]

Famous McKinley Park Diamond, Cradle of Bill Doak and Other Stars, Passes

Cruel March of Progress Obliterating the Glory That Once Was McKinley Park August 21, 1929     Age 38 By Harry Keck                Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph As pictured below, one of Pittsburgh’s old baseball landmarks is passing from view with the tearing up of the McKinley Park diamond in Beltzhoover to […]

Doak Equals 1-0 Feat After 14 Years

June 12, 1928          Age 37 By James J. Long              Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph Bill Doak, former Knoxville citizen, is a remarkable pitcher in several ways. They used to say that Bill was too frail to be able to last long or to stand much, yet here […]

Doak One Model Player; St. Louis Proud Of Him

Were There More Of His Character, Baseball Would Continue To Be The World’s Great Sport. February 14, 1915       Age 24 By James Jerpe          Pittsburgh Post Gazette “St. Louis Is proud that Bill Doak Is a member of the St. Louis club, writes Sid Keener In the St. Louis Sporting […]