Selection of Rickey as Cards’ President Lauded by Huggins.  Doak Signs.

Browns May Ask for Injunction to Halt Rickey Departure Pitcher Bill Doak Signs, Becomes “Bonus Bill” First Squad Breaks Camp Tonight Club Shows Good Faith March 21, 1917   Age 26 Harry F. Pierce            The St Louis Star and Times San Antonio, Tx.   The new Cardinal management has proved that it […]

Huggins Confident Doak Will Be Thoroughly Satisfied With Offer

Doak Holding Out For Salary Increase of $850 Huggins Is Assured Cards Will Not Be Detained by Rail Strike March 17, 1917        Age 26 By Harry Pierce          The St Louis Star and Times San Antonio, Tex., March 17, 1917.  Confidential advices received by Manager Huggins and Secretary Seekamp […]

Doak One Model Player; St. Louis Proud Of Him

Were There More Of His Character, Baseball Would Continue To Be The World’s Great Sport. February 14, 1915       Age 24 By James Jerpe          Pittsburgh Post Gazette “St. Louis Is proud that Bill Doak Is a member of the St. Louis club, writes Sid Keener In the St. Louis Sporting […]

Federals’ Invasion Already Has Cost Big Guns $150,000 – Worst Yet To Come

Raid on Big Leagues Has Netted Several Expensive Stars, With Others Yet to Be Announced Majors Are Retaining Men at Increased Salaries. January 17, 1914        Age 22 By W. J. O’Connor        St Louis Post Dispatch BANK accounts of organized baseball already have suffered a “tap” of at least $150,000 […]