Doak Not Expected To Do Much Pitching in Early Season

Star Spitballer Is Not Quite Ready to Assume Full Share of Hurling Burden. April 10, 1922         Age 31 The St Louis Star and Times DID LITTLE WORK IN SOUTH Made Only Two Appearances in Exhibition Games and Then for Only Few Frames. The appearance of Bill Doak in yesterday’s game against Phil […]

Selection of Rickey as Cards’ President Lauded by Huggins.  Doak Signs.

Browns May Ask for Injunction to Halt Rickey Departure Pitcher Bill Doak Signs, Becomes “Bonus Bill” First Squad Breaks Camp Tonight Club Shows Good Faith March 21, 1917   Age 26 Harry F. Pierce            The St Louis Star and Times San Antonio, Tx.   The new Cardinal management has proved that it […]

Doak Returns To Pittsburgh as Cards Run Six-Mile Daily Jaunts

“Hug” Plans to Use Two Parks Widely Separated, for Morning and Afternoon Work. According to Huggins, negotiations are at an end with Doak, as far as the club is concerned. March 5, 1917           Age 26 St Louis Post Dispatch SAN ANTONIO. Tex., March 5. This somnolent city of the South, already […]

Doak, Hornsby Remain Unsigned As Cards Head South

Team Heading South Cardinals to Leave for Texas on Same Train With Browns Four Cards and Three Brownies Still Unsigned March 3, 1917          Age 26 BY HARRY P. PIERCE.      The St Louis Star and Times St. Louis’ two major league ball clubs, the Browns and Cardinals, depart tonight at […]

Doak Saves Teammate From a Watery Grave While Fishing

Blond Bill Doak Is the hero of the Cardinal squad today. Lee Meadows working on new pitch Players visit Chief Wilson who is suffering from la grippe March 16, 1916    Age 25 By Harry F. Pierce          The St Louis Star and Times SAX ANTONIO, TEX., March 16.      Lee […]

Hurling Arms Of Most Of Slab Men Pain And Ache After First Day

CARDS TO PLAY FIRST GAME OF YEAR SATURDAY Half of Manager Miller Huggins’ Training Squad Want to Play at Shortstop in Game With Bronchos Saturday. Doak, Jasper and Warhop, Who Worked in Gymnasiums During the Winter, Are Only Slabsters Who Do Not Complain. March 1, 1916          Age 25 The St Louis […]

Hug Will Take Cardinal Pitchers South Tonight

Jasper, Warhop, Ames, Sallee, Doak and Lamline to Leave for Training Camp – Zinn Beck Will Accompany Squad. HURLERS WILL WORK A WEEK BEFORE TEAMMATES REPORT Particular Attention Will Be Paid to Veterans Hall, Saliee, Ames and Warhop During Conditioning Period February 26, 1916           Age 25 The St Louis Star and […]

Players Arriving at Robison Field to Head to Hot Wells, Tx., Training Camp

Huggins Plans To Carry Only Two Backstops Delegation of Slab Artists Will Head South Saturday Night Doak, Warhop, Ames and Lamline are Expected Today or Tomorrow February 24, 1916          Age 25 The St Louis Star and Times ST. LOUIS.  The Cardinals will carry but two catchers during the coming season. This […]

Cards To Break Camp, Go North in Split Squads – Will Stop In Denison

Seekamp Will Pilot First Squad and Connery Second Team Homeward. March 18, 1915                Age 24 BY HARRY F. PIERCE.          The St Louis Star and Times SAN ANTONIO, TEX..   Bozeman Bulger, New York sport scribe and feature story writer extraordinary, breezed into the Hot Wells’ […]

Mrs. Doak and Cardinals Are En Route To Training Camp At Hot Wells, Tex.

Huggins: If we had won half our games during the first month of the season we would have galloped away with the pennant.  February 15, 1915          Age 24 BY BILLY MURPHY.          The St Louis Star and Times St. Louis.  The first harbinger of spring appeared at Union […]

Cardinals Have Alibi Ready for Series Vs. Browns

Cold enough in St. Augustine, Harry Sallee says, to freeze the milk of human kindness Doak likely to pitch vs Browns. March 28, 1914       Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch In advance of the combat the Cardinal players have duly registered and sworn to an alibi which deals with sore arms and props […]

Return From Florida – Not One Player Frostbitten – Sore Arms Plentiful

Outside of a Few Other Ailments the Team Is All Right and Ready for the Spring Series, Huggins Says Pitching Staff Is Main Reliance. Not one of the Cardinals who returned to St. Louis Thursday morning was frost-bitten during the stay in St. Augustine, Fla., an alleged training camp. It was very cold in St. […]

Southpaw Billington Victim Of The Ol’ Snipe Hunting Hoax

Doak Had Spitter Working Perfectly In The Seventh Despite Not Warming Up March 24, 1914         Age 23 BY HARRY F. PIERCE          The St Louis Star and Times ST. AUGUSTINE. FLA.. March 23- The joke line-ups given out at Robison Field last summer are a thing of the past, […]

Cards Wrapping up Spring Training Against World’s Champion Athletics

CARDS OPPOSE MACKMEN IF WEATHER PERMITS Chief Bender, the eminent Chippewa, probably will hurl for the Athletics Cold Weather Worries Players. Doak Set To Remain On Pitching Squad March 23, 1914          Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch From a Special Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., March 23. If the […]

Hug Says Young Pitchers Doak, Perritt, Griner Look Good

March 22, 1914        Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch There are young men like Doak, Perritt, Griner et al.. who are depended on to lend assistance to Sallee. Robinson and Hagerman. From this group, Hug has hopes of selecting a man or two to round out a squad of four or five […]

Hug’s Best Cards Will Be Played Against Mackmen – Doak’s Pitching Pleases

Cardinals’ Manager Tries Out Jack Miller at Short Field Butler Injured. March 19, 1914   Age 23 By Special Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch. ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla., March 13.  Miller Huggins’ Regulars, after a week of good and consistent training, will get a thorough test here Saturday when they tackle the World’s Champion Athletics in the first […]

Doak Photo, March 1914 (Library of Congress)

Created / Published: 1914 Mar. Title: William Leopold Doak, St. Louis Cardinals baseball player, full-length portrait, facing front, standing, wearing uniform, about to pitch baseball Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress) Call Number/Physical LocationLOT 11147-1 Library of Congress Control Number2003689089 No known restrictions on publication Permalink: Metadata FormatsMARCXML RecordMODS RecordDublin […]

Good Riddance, Says St. Augustine To Cardinals

Sallee Is Hope Of Huggins Sallee Says He Gained 14 Pounds In Two Weeks March 14, 1914          Age 23 By Harry Pierce      The St Louis Star and Times ST. AUGUSTINE. FLA.. March 14.    The St. Louis Cardinal need not expect the “welcome to our city” sign to be […]

Doak Gives Up Four Hits Against Weak Jacksonville Team

March 14, 1914           Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla., March 14.-The regular Cardinal team will again be sent against the Jacksonville (Fla.) nine here today. The vets made their first appearance in a regular battle yesterday, and that they have their eyes on the ball the total of […]

Hug, Doak and Perritt Aid Cards to Victory Over Jacksonville Minor Leaguers

Manager’s Pass and Steal Paves Way for Defeat of Jacksonville Team, 3-2. March 8, 1914       Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla, March 7. Manager Huggins paved the way for the Cardinals’ 3-2 victory over the Jacksonville team here today when it looked as if the Florida team was about to […]

Deluge of Rain Keeps Cardinals Idle in Camp For Two Days

Team Gets Two Days of Rest as Result Miller Joins the Squad March 1, 1914    Age 23 By Marion F. Parker      St Louis Globe Democrat Sun St. Augustine, Fla. February 28.      While rain has been a big feature since the Cardinals’ squad arrived here, the others must have been only […]

Hauser in Bad Shape, Acting Strangely, Not Eating

February 28, 1914              Age 23 SPECIAL DISPATCH,  St Louis Globe Democrat Sun ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA.. February 28.    Arnold Hauser, who has been in bad condition even before the Cardinal squad reached here, has removed to the Railroad Hospital tonight while word is being awaited from his people up […]

Cardinals Hold First Practice in St. Augustine Cold Wave

Doak Arrives in Camp Ordered To Lob the Ball Until the Weather Gets Hot February 25, 1914    Age 23 By Marion F. Parker, Sporting Editor, at Cardinals’ Training Camp            St Louis Globe Democrat Sun St. Augustine, Fla.     With a cloud-overcast sky in the morning and the white caps […]

Fourteen Cards Reach Camp at St. Augustine

Squad that Collected Along the Way Have First Practice This Morning Hauser Still Weak February 24, 1914    Age 23 By Marion F. Parker, Sporting Editor Globe-Democrat, at Cardinals’ Training Camp St. Augustine, Fla.,    Miller Huggins’ bunch of Cardinal ball tossers began collecting here in earnest today, and when the supper bell rang this […]

Scout Bob Connery Previews St. Augustine Training Facilities

New Ballpark in St. Augustine Scout Bob Connery Visits and Approves January 30, 1914         Age 23 By Willis E. Johnson          St Louis Globe Democrat Sun Bob Connery, scout for the Cardinals, returned from a trip to St. Augustine, and he reports that Manager Huggins and his men will […]

Doak Marries, Will Honeymoon in St. Augustine With Team, Live with Bride’s Parents

Marries Miss Jessie Porter of Charles Street, Knoxville A Popular Vocalist Sweethearts Since School Days Spring Training Will Be Honeymoon Married on Doak’s 23rd Birthday January 29, 1914    Age 23 Pittsburgh Daily Post When Bill Doak, star heaver for the St. Louis National League baseball team, leaves Pittsburgh to join his teammates at the […]

All Players To Report Directly to St. Augustine

January 24, 1914      Age 22   St Louis Globe Democrat Sun   President Britton announced yesterday that he had. sent out letters to all his players, instructing them to report at St.  Augustine February 23. None of the players will come to St. Louis this spring, according to President Britton, but will go […]