Southpaw Billington Victim Of The Ol’ Snipe Hunting Hoax

Doak Had Spitter Working Perfectly In The Seventh Despite Not Warming Up March 24, 1914         Age 23 BY HARRY F. PIERCE          The St Louis Star and Times ST. AUGUSTINE. FLA.. March 23- The joke line-ups given out at Robison Field last summer are a thing of the past, […]

Cards Wrapping up Spring Training Against World’s Champion Athletics

CARDS OPPOSE MACKMEN IF WEATHER PERMITS Chief Bender, the eminent Chippewa, probably will hurl for the Athletics Cold Weather Worries Players. Doak Set To Remain On Pitching Squad March 23, 1914          Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch From a Special Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., March 23. If the […]

Hug Says Young Pitchers Doak, Perritt, Griner Look Good

March 22, 1914        Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch There are young men like Doak, Perritt, Griner et al.. who are depended on to lend assistance to Sallee. Robinson and Hagerman. From this group, Hug has hopes of selecting a man or two to round out a squad of four or five […]

Hug’s Best Cards Will Be Played Against Mackmen – Doak’s Pitching Pleases

Cardinals’ Manager Tries Out Jack Miller at Short Field Butler Injured. March 19, 1914   Age 23 By Special Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch. ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla., March 13.  Miller Huggins’ Regulars, after a week of good and consistent training, will get a thorough test here Saturday when they tackle the World’s Champion Athletics in the first […]

Doak Photo, March 1914 (Library of Congress)

Created / Published: 1914 Mar. Title: William Leopold Doak, St. Louis Cardinals baseball player, full-length portrait, facing front, standing, wearing uniform, about to pitch baseball Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress) Call Number/Physical LocationLOT 11147-1 Library of Congress Control Number2003689089 No known restrictions on publication Permalink: Metadata FormatsMARCXML RecordMODS RecordDublin […]

Good Riddance, Says St. Augustine To Cardinals

Sallee Is Hope Of Huggins Sallee Says He Gained 14 Pounds In Two Weeks March 14, 1914          Age 23 By Harry Pierce      The St Louis Star and Times ST. AUGUSTINE. FLA.. March 14.    The St. Louis Cardinal need not expect the “welcome to our city” sign to be […]

Deluge of Rain Keeps Cardinals Idle in Camp For Two Days

Team Gets Two Days of Rest as Result Miller Joins the Squad March 1, 1914    Age 23 By Marion F. Parker      St Louis Globe Democrat Sun St. Augustine, Fla. February 28.      While rain has been a big feature since the Cardinals’ squad arrived here, the others must have been only […]

Hauser in Bad Shape, Acting Strangely, Not Eating

February 28, 1914              Age 23 SPECIAL DISPATCH,  St Louis Globe Democrat Sun ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA.. February 28.    Arnold Hauser, who has been in bad condition even before the Cardinal squad reached here, has removed to the Railroad Hospital tonight while word is being awaited from his people up […]

Storm Sets in and Players Have to Loosen Up in Y.M.C.A. Gymnasium

Cosy Dolan, New Third Sacker, Arrives in the Training Camp February 26, 1914             Age 23 BY MARION F. PARKER, Staff Correspondent Globe-Democrat, at Cardinals’ Training Camp, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA., February 25 .   One more major league player has been added to the Federal League roster, as Manager Miller Huggins of […]

Cardinals Hold First Practice in St. Augustine Cold Wave

Doak Arrives in Camp Ordered To Lob the Ball Until the Weather Gets Hot February 25, 1914    Age 23 By Marion F. Parker, Sporting Editor, at Cardinals’ Training Camp            St Louis Globe Democrat Sun St. Augustine, Fla.     With a cloud-overcast sky in the morning and the white caps […]

Fourteen Cards Reach Camp at St. Augustine

Squad that Collected Along the Way Have First Practice This Morning Hauser Still Weak February 24, 1914    Age 23 By Marion F. Parker, Sporting Editor Globe-Democrat, at Cardinals’ Training Camp St. Augustine, Fla.,    Miller Huggins’ bunch of Cardinal ball tossers began collecting here in earnest today, and when the supper bell rang this […]

Scout Bob Connery Previews St. Augustine Training Facilities

New Ballpark in St. Augustine Scout Bob Connery Visits and Approves January 30, 1914         Age 23 By Willis E. Johnson          St Louis Globe Democrat Sun Bob Connery, scout for the Cardinals, returned from a trip to St. Augustine, and he reports that Manager Huggins and his men will […]

All Players To Report Directly to St. Augustine

January 24, 1914      Age 22   St Louis Globe Democrat Sun   President Britton announced yesterday that he had. sent out letters to all his players, instructing them to report at St.  Augustine February 23. None of the players will come to St. Louis this spring, according to President Britton, but will go […]