Players Arriving at Robison Field to Head to Hot Wells, Tx., Training Camp

Huggins Plans To Carry Only Two Backstops Delegation of Slab Artists Will Head South Saturday Night Doak, Warhop, Ames and Lamline are Expected Today or Tomorrow February 24, 1916          Age 25 The St Louis Star and Times ST. LOUIS.  The Cardinals will carry but two catchers during the coming season. This […]

Cards Are Set For Big Season, Declares Owner Britton

CARDS ARE SET FOR BIG SEASON, DECLARES BOSS Britton Believes That New Recruits Will Prove Big Help to Huggins and That Bescher, Doak and Meadows Will Star. PLANS TO START WORK ON NEW STANDS NEXT OCTOBER Concrete Grand Stands Will Be Built on Robison Field Site if Team Prospers This Year. Osteopathic treatment on Doak’s […]

Mrs. Doak and Cardinals Are En Route To Training Camp At Hot Wells, Tex.

Huggins: If we had won half our games during the first month of the season we would have galloped away with the pennant.  February 15, 1915          Age 24 BY BILLY MURPHY.          The St Louis Star and Times St. Louis.  The first harbinger of spring appeared at Union […]

Cardinals Lament Booting A Great Opportunity On Road Trip

STALLNGS’ CRAFT CAN MAKE BRAVES BEAT ATHLETICS – HUB PERDUE. Cardinal Hurler Declares His Former Boss Is a Superman in Baseball. August 15, 1914            Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor. Of the Post-Dispatch Sporting Staff. CHICAGO. Aug. 15. Lumbago Bill Doak, the leading pitcher of the National League, has been […]

When Doak and Mathewson Meet, One Naturally Looks for a Pitched Battle

CARDS DEFEAT OF MATTY PUTS CLUB IN SECOND PLACE First Time in History in History National Leaguers Have Been So High Late in Season For First Time in Its Horrible History, Cardinals Team is in Second Place With the Season Two-Thirds Spent Doak Gets Win, Improving Record to 13-4 With 2.08 ERA, Now Leading the […]

Discord In Dugout After Costly Error

Old Sol Wasn’t Shining but Dolan Lost Ball in the Sun It Helped Beat Cards Mathewson and Bill Doak in Duel at the Polo Grounds Today Result of the Game May Find the Cardinals in Second- Place – and Then Again August 11, 1914    Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor. Of the Post-Dispatch Sporting […]

Beaten Giants Had Winning Run on the Bases When Brilliant Play Cut Them Down

PERRITT RESCUES SALLEE; MILLER’S FINE STOP HELPS Thrilling Finish To Win Over Giants August 9, 1914    Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor of the Post-Dispatch Sporting Staff. NEW Y0RK, Aug. 9. THE Cardinals today put their backs to the wall and beat down the Giants, after fierce hand-to hand fighting, 3-2. Field Leader Harry […]

Doak, Battling Lumbago, Shuts Out Dodgers and Ends Cardinals’ Losing Streak

Cards’ Losing Streak Ends Flag Hopes Reviving Doak’s Good Pitching, Plus a Batting Punch, Restore “Goat” to Huggins’ Men Pitches Complete Game Shutout, Allowing But 6 Singles with 5 SO, 3 BB, 1 HBP. Doak’s Record Now 12-4 With 2.07 ERA Cozy Dolan Back in Game, Fails to Lend Much Aid August 6, 1914    […]

With Giants and Cubs Also Losing, the Cards Have Maintained Position On Road Trip

Giants and Cubs Fail to Profit by Cards’ Defeats New York and Chicago Clubs Have Been Losing With the Cardinals and Relative Standings Are About the Same as When Trip East Began. Doak Treated for “Lumbago” JUST A FEW ALIBIS ADVANCED BY CARDS MILLER and Wilson have fallen down in hitting. The temperature fell from […]

Must Beat Giants on Road Trip To Stay In the Pennant Fight

Cards Must Beat Giants to Return in Higher Position Braves May Help Some Philadelphia and Brooklyn Should Be Easy for Huggins Men, but New York and Boston Both Appear Real Obstacles to St. Louis Pennant Progress. July 24, 1914         Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Sporting Staff. […]

Willie Doak Subdues Dodgers in Spite of Jack Miller and Magee

Doak Pitches Spanking Good Ball Beats Brooklyn 2-1 in 9 innings on 5 hits, no earned runs, 4 SO, 2 BB.   Record Now 10-4 with 2.08 ERA July 23, 1914            Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch JACK MILLER and Lee Magee, chiefly the latter, donned their “blinders” and ran wild […]

Sixteen Cards Succeed in Losing Opening Game to Braves, 12-5

Inability to Beat Weaker Clubs a Failing of Cards Braves Are Easy Victors Huggins’ Men Show Pennant Ability in Giants’ Series, but Come Back With a Tail-end Display Against the Lowly Boston Outfit.  Bottle Throwers Must Be Stopped Doak Loses, Giving Up 6 ER in 3.2 Innings With  3 BB, 1 SO.     Record Now […]

Cardinals Figuring How To Spend World’s Series Coin

Stung by Pennant Bee Pitching of Polly Perritt and Three Successive Victories Over the League Leaders Bring the Championship Pie Within Sight of Local Players. No living man can complain about the work of Sal, Doak and Perritt Cards’ Pitching Is A 1. July 11, 1914     Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor      […]

Cards’ Spurt Due To Sallee’s Work As Relief Hurler

Doak Doing His Share Slim Southpaw Has Officiated in Eight of 14 Games on Current Road Trip. TEAM’S RECORD IS 9-5 Winning Streak Has Boosted Huggins’ Team Into Third Place. June 23, 1914          Age 23 By W. J O’Connor    St Louis Post Dispatch The Cardinals are closing today in Philadelphia […]

Many New Faces Will Be Seen in National League

Many New Faces Will Be Seen in Older Organization While Three American League Teams Will Face the Barrier With Same Lineup as Finished 1913. Hug has good prospects in Perritt, Doak, Griner, Robinson and Niehaus, April 12, 1914         Age 23 By W. J. O’Connor          St Louis Post Dispatch […]

No Pennant Races This Year – It’s Giants in the NL, Athletics in the AL

April 8, 1914      Age 23 Wray’s Column          St Louis Post Dispatch SAD, but apparently true, Bo. There’ll be no races for the National and American League baseball pennant races, this year. There will be two walk-overs. Titles to said buntings have already been made over to the Giants and […]

Betting On the Cards After 26 Years Of Disappointment!

April 7, 1914        Age 23 Wray’s Column          St Louis Post Dispatch IT’S a fact, lads. Bets are being made on the St. Louis Cardinals that they will beat one team which last season was looked upon as having a fair chance to win the pennant, a club which […]

Huggins Makes Multiplayer Trade With Pittsburgh To Eliminate Malcontents

Huggins Tells Why He Made Multi-Player Trade With Pittsburgh One Of The Biggest Trades In The History Of The Game Seeks To Bring Harmony To The Team December 16, 1913            Age 22 Pittsburgh Post Gazette ST. LOUIS, Dec. 15. Manager Miller Huggins’ of the Cardinals, who surprised the baseball world […]

Too Much Is Being Expected of Recruits Doak and Perritt for Next Season

December 15, 1913   Age 22 By W. J. O’Connor.,    St Louis Post Dispatch MORE TRADES ARE IN SIGHT, BRITTON SAYS “We’re not through trading yet,” declared President Schuyler P. Britton Monday upon his return from Cleveland, where he stopped on his way home from New York. “Manager Stallings of Boston would like to land […]

Doak Is Due To Get His Mail At Robison Field For Some Time To Come

Pitcher Doak Has Registered Quite a Hit October 1, 1913           Age 22 St Louis Post Dispatch St. Louis.   Five Cardinal recruits will be shipped home Wednesday, their services not being needed for the fall series with the Browns, which opens next Tuesday. Manager Huggins announced Wednesday he would get along without […]

Huggins Must Begin at Bottom and Rebuild Cardinals for 1914

Huggins Facing a Hard Job Bill Doak Sure to Remain September 17, 1913     Age 22 St. Louis.  With the 1913 Cardinals absolutely last, a sad disappointment this year and playing joke baseball down the stretch. Manager Huggins must prove himself a shrewd general as well as developer of raw material to be a 1914 […]