Doak Foils Sign Stealers

Record Now 7-1 Whiffs Rabbit Maranville Three Times Changed Signs After Detecting Runners Were Stealing Signals Game Date: May 26, 1922 – Age 31 By Chilly Doyle, Pittsburgh Post Gazette    Doak has won seven games this season with only one setback against his name. The fair-haired son of Allegheny county has long been a […]

Doak Saves Teammate From a Watery Grave While Fishing

Blond Bill Doak Is the hero of the Cardinal squad today. Lee Meadows working on new pitch Players visit Chief Wilson who is suffering from la grippe March 16, 1916    Age 25 By Harry F. Pierce          The St Louis Star and Times SAX ANTONIO, TEX., March 16.      Lee […]

Light Your Cigarette With Dynamite Bill, But Pitch ‘Em Crooked

Light Your Cigarette With Dynamite Bill, But Pitch ‘Em Crooked His Spitball Was Jumping Like a Texas Grasshopper Doak Should Have Won Game Date: August 4, 1913 – Age 22 By Louis Lee Arms – The St Louis Star and Times Willie Doak will learn as he lives. There are a number of harsh gents […]