Huggins Confident Doak Will Be Thoroughly Satisfied With Offer

Doak Holding Out For Salary Increase of $850 Huggins Is Assured Cards Will Not Be Detained by Rail Strike March 17, 1917        Age 26 By Harry Pierce          The St Louis Star and Times San Antonio, Tex., March 17, 1917.  Confidential advices received by Manager Huggins and Secretary Seekamp […]

Mrs. Doak and Cardinals Are En Route To Training Camp At Hot Wells, Tex.

Huggins: If we had won half our games during the first month of the season we would have galloped away with the pennant.  February 15, 1915          Age 24 BY BILLY MURPHY.          The St Louis Star and Times St. Louis.  The first harbinger of spring appeared at Union […]

Game Ends Early So Cards Can Catch 6 O’clock Train Home

Boys Will Be Boys June 28, 1914      Age 23 St Louis Post Dispatch The Pirates woke up today and sent the Cardinals home with only one victory out of the four games played. Today’s score was 4 to 2 in favor of the Pirates. The Cardinals’ record for the trip is 11 victories […]